That’s it! I’m changing direction!

What on earth am I talking about? See below!

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed”

Lao Tzu

Where I was headed was not for me, it just took a brain injury for me to realize it!

I’ve known it a long time. Most of my grown up life, but I was stuck in the routine and focused on the internalized expectations of others. It took a traumatic brain injury to wake me up from the everyday daze. Five years after I am still recovering, still healing, and getting to know myself at a whole new level.

A few years into my (lack of) recovery, I sensed that I needed to heal more than my head. I took a turn onto the road I am on today, where I am learning about and healing my body, my mind, and my spirit.

I feel inspired to share with you my journey and lessons so far, as well as those that are yet to come!

Curious to read more?

*Note that these pages are like my healing - a continuous work in progress


Making my mind my friend, has entailed first understanding it, to then learn how to work with it. It’s an ongoing work in progress, coaching has been a valuable tool!


Nurturing and healing my body was my first and main focus for a long time. Then I realized how recovery is much more than physio, its a lifestyle around movement, food, and beliefs.


Connecting to my soul, my inner being, has meant getting out of my head and into being. Connecting with my heart and going on a journey of discovery around the question: Who am I, really?